“The Twins” – Baby Skeleton Dolls

“The Twins” are an inseparable duo, mirroring the ill-fated journey of the boy and girl from the shadowy past. Each doll bears unique attire that sets them apart, yet they remain forever intertwined in the tapestry of their story. The boy dons a quaint little cap and shorts, while the girl, with her distinctive double tails of remaining wispy hair, is adorned with a bonnet and a skirt that bears silent testament to their shared narrative.

These remarkable dolls possess a certain macabre charm, as their poseable arms allow for various displays, each gesture imbued with the melancholy of their history. The slight mobility of their heads invites you to gaze upon their faces from different angles, revealing the enduring sadness that lingers in their hollow eye sockets.

“The Twins” are available for purchase both as a pair or individually, providing you with the choice to delve into their story as a unified entity or to explore the unique character of each. However, we extend a gentle reminder that the true essence of “The Twins” is experienced when they stand side by side—a testament to the undying connection they share.


Standing at a life-sized 43 cm tall, these baby skeleton dolls capture the essence of their young counterparts with haunting precision. Crafted through high-quality 3D resin printing and meticulously hand-painted, they exude a haunting authenticity. Yet, it’s their clothing that truly sets them apart. Each vintage orphanage uniform is a bespoke creation, painstakingly crafted by a curator of vintage dolls, ensuring their attire resonates with the historical era they evoke.

To protect these hauntingly beautiful pieces, each doll arrives encased in an engraved wooden box resembling a baby casket. This ornate box serves as both a protective vessel and a window into their enigmatic world. However, we must gently advise our customers that these boxes, while designed to safeguard the dolls during shipping, may bear the marks of their protective duty upon arrival. These slight imperfections are a testament to the care taken to preserve the dolls and the story they represent.

Embrace “The Twins,” and let their story become a part of your collection—an embodiment of the enduring bond between two souls, eternally united in the mysteries of the past.